Ace Basin Chapter Celebrating Conservation Banquet – 2010
Announcing our 4th Annual Celebrating Conservation Event
The Ace Basin Chapter invites you to attend our 4th Annual Celebrating Conservation Event at the Walterboro National Guard Armory on April 24, 2010 at 6pm. All tickets are $50.00 single and $75.00 couple.
Come Socialize and take part in celebrating South Carolina’s coastal heritage and saltwater fishing tradition while supporting the voice of recreational saltwater angling.
Enjoy great food, open bar, thousands of dollars in raffle items, and fantastic live and silent auctions items including guided fishing trips from all over South Carolina and the Southeast, Mexico and many other items you can only get through your CCA South Carolina.
For ticket information, or Sponsor of Conservation options please contact:
Chairman Tommy Herndon at 843-549-1246 or Treasurer Lori Johnson at 843-909-1919.
Look us up on Facebook: CCA-Ace Basin Chapter