Conservation in Action: 18th Artificial Reef Deployment in CCA South Carolina’s Coastal Reefing Initiative

Habitat is a key pillar in our vision to ensure the health and conservation of South Carolina’s marine resources and anglers’ access to them. On the morning of Wednesday, October 26, CCA South Carolina, along with our long-time conservation partners, Sea Hunt Boat Company and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), deployed the newest addition to South Carolina’s artificial reef system. The 75’ long all-steel shrimp trawler came to rest in approximately 90’ of water ten miles off the coast of Port Royal Sound. The new reef is situated within easy reach of recreational saltwater anglers in pursuit of bottom fish and pelagic species. It will also make an attractive destination for the diving community.
This project marks the 18th artificial reef deployment in CCA South Carolina’s Coastal Reefing Initiative, which was created to expand and enhance vital marine habitat up and down South Carolina’s coastline.
SCDNR studies and monitoring indicate that fish are attracted to artificial reefs for several reasons, including food, shelter, spawning, and a distinct physical orientation point in an otherwise flat, featureless environment. These reefs will recruit large fish of interest to recreational anglers in numbers that can equal or exceed those found in naturally occurring “live bottom” areas while also providing benefits to numerous other marine species, such as crabs, shrimp, and rays. With the creation and enhancement of vital habitat annually, opportunities for recreational saltwater anglers and divers expand while the Palmetto State’s marine resources have the opportunity to flourish.